
This Jesus Character has some interesting views on life…and auction rules. I shall follow your path.

By twirling a mustache, of course!

Oh for fuck's sake. As someone who has watched his mother get struck by his father, I get what Lynch's saying with scenes like these: They're ugly and horrible. He's not glamorizing or making them justified. They're banal acts of grotesque violence. There have been many woman that have identified with Laura's

That's what made me happy about this scene, is she got a real juicy part to play.

It's funny to think he was on a Twin Peaks knock-off before the real thing. [I do like Wild Palms]

It reminded me of Gator Purify assaulting his family for more crack money.

The face on the teddy bear is the same as from the main character in Lynch's DumbLand animated shorts, about a really dumb asshole that gets himself into trouble.

Yeah, there's nothing simple about this issue. I honestly understand why George's insulted that they felt to honor him, was to make an old character he played gay. There's more facets to Takei than his sexuality, and to focus on that is to do him a disservice.

Simple, because it IS different. There's an expectation people prefer to the risk of something new. It's like why people eat at the same fast food chain, or why many people become a bit more conservative as they age: They dislike or mistrust change.

I was too old to read his stuff, and mainly grew up reading Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, yet I like whenever R. L. Stine does an interview. He's got a goofy sense of humor and seems pretty dang humble. He's cool in my book.

Yes, it's his short stories that truly shines, much like Brian Lumely's short horror fiction. If you enjoy Lovecraftian stuff, these two are great at filling that weird, cold void.

One thing I've never forgotten was how Mia Farrow gave a Valentine to Woody Allen of a heart with a picture of the children skewered and a steak knife plunged through the middle of it. Then their are the allegation of Mia Farrow's many morbid death threats. That's not the work of a mentally sound person. I have a hard

And be that friend that reminds them should they ever say some future nonsense!

Seems too forced.

Is he going to sign on an indie label?

There's too much story! [Head explodes]

My guess the kind of generic chicken noodle broth you get out of a vending machine.

Let's not forget that it's showing us what a jerk Chad really is. Of course he's eating two TV dinners at once.

As I get older, I honestly miss when television and movies would take there time, and slowly pan over a scene. You get more atmosphere, tension and mood that way.

Fully clothed. Tame, even. But I suppose everything should have a fist waved before it now.