
Funny enough, back acne was code for penis.

Jesus Christ, what's your problem?

It sounds like you're going to make like a tree and leave.

A shadow creeps into the entrance of Twin Peaks Sheriff Department, the shape suggestive of Agent Dale Cooper.

Until they put you down-to-earth.

I think that's more Lynch. Frost tends to go for talky characters.

Didn't Frost do that since the book's meant to represent an outsider's gathering and collecting of information? That facts are mistaken and/or wrongly assumed? If so, that only goes to show what an awesome writer Frost really is.

With magic whistle at hand.

Hank Williams senior said the black man that taught him how to play guitar was the only real teacher he ever had. Which pisses me off to no extent when I see shitty tribute albums of Hank Williams with Rebel Flags.

You learn a little, you forget a little. Circle of life, biatch.

There's always room for Hamm.

They end up engulfed in his many folds, digested.

There seems to be a gaping flaw in this plan.

Nah, she secretly wishes she sang for a black metal band.

Next thing you're going to tell me I'm not an official bra inspector.

It truly was a pile of wonderful shit. I bumped into a female friend of mine after watching this movie and asked if that was her first time seeing it. "This is like my seventh time. It's soooo bad. I love it!"

But the whole idea behind NV was that the waste's are getting civilized. Competing nations are butting heads over a resource: The Hoover Dam. Raiders are getting desperate and cornered. The Brotherhoods on the verge of collapse. Cattle barons and trading companies are sizing up the land for profit. It's not a

I don't care about the dated graphics. I love the gameplay. I've clocked a disgusting amount of hours on 4 too, yet playing it was almost like playing one of those mindless Cookie Clicker games. I kill, collect, and go home to dump it off. Rinse and repeat. I mean, can you really think of any interesting quests or

But the game's so damn boring. I finally just lent it to a friend to play, since he doesn't have many games to play. The only stuff I enjoyed replaying was Far Harbor. That's about it. I tried role playing other characters, but the damn game's too focused on "Where's ma bab-ee," to allow anything else. The settlement

Well, if this's New Vegas, my friend armor piercing rounds say whatevs to that.