
Sadly it doesn't seem to have taken my message for the guest book. :(

Let us not forget that it was around then that spyware and pop-ups became an outright nightmare. I can recall cleaning a deadly slow computer that my family used, and looked on in horror at the endless spyware that was removed.

It really is an ad, a very clever one. Also, I never thought I'd get all nostalgic for old shitty websites.

Even Hitler?

I don't need the game to tell me anything. Morality and karma systems can be a lot of fun when done well, yet if the game's story and characters are solid, I plant myself firmly in the main character's shoes. If I screw up and get someone killed, that's on me and makes the remainder of the game all the more intense.

They managed to get the right balance between so many things. It's clearly a labor of love for Dontnod, so I forgive them for the clunky writing in places. The game has a hangout vibe to it that I don't think I've ever felt before while playing a game. Simple things like having Max take a seat and think about stuff

How about the slight glint on the eyelids to show that the characters are getting emotional and on the verge of tears? I thought that was quite well done.

I disagree on Firewatch and Oxenfree, two games I very much wanted to enjoy yet found frustrating. Both of those games have some poorly thought out dialogue mechanics, where it's all too easy to skip over or miss a dialogue option. That drove me nuts and killed much of the enjoyment for me. Also, Firewatch had such a

And you assume I haven't nearly died a few times? I've nearly drowned and died of a severe asthma attack, so I don't find suffocating deaths all that fun.

How? This is grade school level humor. Man fall down material. And I don't care how long ago it was. Does it really matter if it was thousands or a few years ago? It rubs me the wrong way to be so cynical in the face of share humanity. If this was some clever, truthful bit of dark humor I could see it. But something

I honestly don't find this funny, considering this guy lied down suffocating on fiery ash, knowing all he knew and loved would soon end.

The concept of an interactive story driven game isn't anything new. Think of point and clicks, or visual novels. Letting the player explore and to an extent interact with a world allows for the player to better assume a role, and depending on how well the game's written and designed, embrace a fantasy.

And then the whole, "I'm actually ok, not some single minded liquid monster that appears like a ghost. I can magically fix you if you like. Pretty convenient, no? It's like I'm a lazy solution to all and any consequences."

I hated that! And we got more of the Care Bear Stare from when they met in the club. Lame.

I'm more of the paranoid, "Kill them, I can be the only real one!"

Trumpo: There is no way out of here. It will be dark soon. There is no way out of here.

Oh boy, a Rainforest Café for adults!

Having A+ 15 year old whores.

And then he had that motorcycle accident and was fused forever to his leather jacket.

Next you're going to tell me the alien in Alien just wanted a hug.