
They're kind of like Legion. "We are many."

Not to mention the Woodsmen crushing skulls and lulling everyone to sleep so that it can find a host. That ain't love.

I'm not totally convinced that's Bob. Bob's the only tumor/egg with a face, yet there were others that looked more like stones or plain eggs. The egg that the creature hatched from was plain. This might be some other evil that's related to Bob that we haven't seen yet.

The Giant's the White Lodge counterpart to the Mother of the Black Lodge. Just as Mother vomited out the cancer of Bob, The Giant breathed out the pure love of Laura. I never thought I'd see pure mythos come out of Lynch and Frost, and I cannot help but like the minimalism of it all.

At this point, I think they're main flaw is dialogue. The clip I saw for Vampyr about a year ago had me cringing with all of the purple prose. As Chloe would say, "It's Hella bad."

Eh, I don't like the idea of Kratos possibly murdering the Norse gods. They tend to actually like and help humanity. The idea of Kratos murdering Odin…ugh.

Standing on my lawn, that's what.

This guy sure has a beef with his old college. Like, holy cow. Was he ready to just stampede out of their on graduation day? He must've locked horns with a few professors.

The crowd's reaction isn't what matters, it's Stanton and the mother's reaction that matters. Also, he's always mixed stilted acting in with good acting. It's nothing new.

Isn't it interesting that the previous episode had us all worried that a small boy would set off a car bomb, only to just survive thanks to a car speeding over to stop him from touching said car; and now a small boy is killed by a speeding car. If that doesn't leave the possibility for anything happening up in the

He'll Mr. Magoo him.

Says you.

It's meant to be funny and sad, and the growing desire and hope from the audience for Coop to "wake up," is no different than a child hoping that they're stroke victim parent comes back. Others have spoken how Coop as Dougie brings tears to their eyes, and that's because no one wants to see a loved one like that. And

I wonder if too many years of ADD riddled edits in film and television has something to do with it. For so many calling this a dull slog, I see tons of new bits and pieces to fit together. I'd hate to see how they'd react to watching an older movie like Paris, Texas.

I was wrong about the golden shovels, but I was dead right about the reveal being Diane, so that gave me a reason to fist pump. Also, this episode gave my 94 year old grandmother nightmares, so I'd say it's a win-win all things considered.

And a 5 at best.

Knowing that surly drunk Bannon, he'll use the end of a broken scotch bottle.

And t-shirt sales!

That's the least goth headline ever. When I read "'90s and goth" the first thing I thought was maybe some kind of a reunion show for bands like Switchblade Symphony. Color me disappointed.

Not to mention Nadine gently smiling along to the ad. How much you want to bet she's the number one buyer of golden shovels? It'd be a funny reveal if it turns out she has a shed full of them.