
No, I think that's angel dust.

Your choices were always meaningless! Congrats!

Are you anti-apples? It certainly sounds like you're anti-apples.

Eh, but then I find American Flying Saucer Cults interesting, along with other deep woods cults that are weird as hell. :)

If anything, it's weirdness makes it more interesting. I'm AOK with strange little religions so long as people aren't getting hurt.

I'm pretty sure playing games and not going outside go hand in hand.

This show's easily going to break even and then do continued business. That's the power of cult shows and movies: It's not about instant business like a summer blockbuster, but gradual business.

Here's the thing. A ton of people that normally don't have Showtime, now have it for this show. Take that, the amount of money Showtime makes while it's on the air, and we're talking some nice cash for a few months. Let's say half of these numbers signed on for Twin Peaks, that they grabbed the free month trial offer,

Or, you know, calmly teach her what it is. There's a lot of reasons why someone might be ignorant. Yelling at someone to the point that they flee is gross. I could see eye-rolling or teasing, but exploding at them?

I thought too at first, though I just love the idea that the person best to tell if it's Coop's voice or not, is the person that only knows him by his voice.

Two random thoughts:

I think some of it might be the wearing of time. The whole cellphone bit made me think of elderly people getting confused or angry at technology. There's an old time innocence to them. They're lambs.

As soon as he realized it was a cup of black coffee, he practically lunged to gulp some down, and of course being a super hot cup of coffee, it burned his mouth. Coop's well on his way back.

I love how she went from sour old woman on a losing streak, to grateful old woman getting some luck rubbed off on her.

It was downright fatherly. And there was so much silly wordplay going on I couldn't help but laugh.

Not to begrudge what she's done, but that it's mainly people that follow her or a village of what appears to be mainly Christians, bothers me a little. Like, how about just helping people period, regardless of faith or if they like you? It's a very minor complaint on my part, and I don't mean to devalue or say what

Eh, Star Trek's from an earlier time, and based more in old school science fiction than hard science fiction. They have weapons that go brbrbrbrbr and can teleport like it's magic. It's not the same as Alien.

It turns out Idiocracy and Alien are shared universes.

Me colonize planet goods.

He really sizzles in that part.