
Learn? You will be taught!

The show's all about dream and nightmare logic, like most of Lynch's work. The acting has more going on to it than you give it credit; some are aping the styles of daytime soaps, while others move and talk in the vagaries of a dream. If you cannot get into it [shrugs] I don't know what to say, other than some other

But mom can really ruin her daughter's shopping day by joining her at Hot Topics. And isn't that what life's all about anyway?

Look on the bright side, once it all ends up on the bargain racks, say hell-o to the five dollar Twin Peaks mug.

I don't know about that. I'm willing to give Lynch and Frost a chance. This feels like a meditation on aging and mortality. The thing about these kinds of works is that it's like trying to understand a nightmare on waking. I love that ambiguity. Think of all the science fiction schlock where something like a portal is

I felt the same way on first viewing, yet the more I think about it, the more I like it. It's its own weird thing, and I'm finding myself happy they're going after it like a piece of strange art, much like the original series did. There's a terrible mystery brewing, and the expectation of some final closure for both

I'm sure they can figure out some numbers based on sign-ups. What'll be interesting is how many leave after the show wraps up. It could lead to Showtime realizing they should put on more shows like it, maybe even beg Mr. Lynch to not retire just yet.

That's my plan. We'll show you, showtime!

Maybe, maybe not. You'd be surprised how much you can remember without realizing it. I didn't bother rewatching, and I'm following its weirdness just fine.

My personal canon is Alien. Done.

Her pepperoni tolerance is supper low. Too much too soon could kill her!

Damn right.

As if I care that she's transgendered. You're making baseless assumptions of what everyone thinks. That alone makes you more likely wrong than right.

That's how the Lottery gets you! And then it's a swift stoning.

Man, you really like your hand jobs.

I miss the days when goggles wearing was for a Pigface show. :(

You mean that famous twist, imitated by countless other horror movies? No, that ending was great. The issue was continuing the series with another Michael Myers Halloween. I much prefer Carpenter's original horror anthology idea where each movie tackled something Halloween related, like ghosts, or witches in Halloween

I had the same thing happen. Quite annoying.

No, doubt them hard. Bethesda releases some good to great games, yet they're fast on their way to becoming an EA. After their past antics of creating Faustian bargains with smaller studios just to buy them out after they go broke, and the boondoggle of Fallout 4's "Season Pass," I'm done with giving them any more

The parent company only wanted the name. That's it. It's not a very nice company.