
Dude's gonna run with a sasquatch, does that sound racist to you?

Yeah, the two games guaranteed to end any family reunion in a yelling match. "The hell you have that many houses/armies!"

Yeah, the ending was really sappy.

Save for the mysteries getting solved. I hate that part of these episodes, because they stop being scary, and it's usually because some alien blah blah. I prefer episodes like Midnight that are tense as hell, the monster of the week is unknowable and remains a mystery at the end. It's also important to have these

That's pretty much me in a nutshell as well. I try and give things a chance, yet the exposition and dialogue's just too goofy to take seriously.

The writing was so damn clunky, the lines spilling out of the characters' mouths so clunky—it hurts. The Shadow people are action figures from He-Man, the teens vapid and pretty, with only one true hero on the show: Quill. She must do what she was born to do, and kill the teens so as to spare us their endless teen

Better, a lot better. She's the only character I like. The teens can go die along with their angst.

Some people like eating the breadstick and skipping the salad.

Nah, your fly's open. We can see your junk.

So what you're telling me is he's the blind man in Don't Breathe?

Little Nightmares is lovely, yet frustrating in parts. I'm enjoying it overall, and like that there's no handholding really. Occasionally it'll show you what one can do with the controller, but that's about it. There's no health bar or stamina meter, no glowing objects or levers, just trial and error. I am currently

So much possible tension and mystery gone all for the sake of these odd spoilers that show far too much. It's almost like they're trying too hard to show the audience that this isn't like the last movie. Pretty soon they're going to start shoving money into our hands to just go and watch the damn thing already.

Oh please. Don't peg me like I simply hate him and his work. I am tired of his direction, and I am not a fan of poor writing and weird pacing. I've watched every episode under his belt, save for the last Christmas episode, and I've enjoyed most of them. It's just that I think it's time for some new blood. The things

Oh, I shall. This was one clunky mess of an episode. For a spooky episode, it was devoid of any tension or dread, revealed far too much early on, and had an awful twist at the end, when having the robots feel loss over one of their own would have been the more meaningful ending.

After this episode, I too am awaiting a new showrunner.

And of course having the electoral college decide the victory, means that even those who voted for Trump didn't matter in the end. Some victory.

Oh, I'd say what makes P2 so great is the writing and ability to keep a player second guessing what'll happen next. The music's pretty great too, and hasn't aged all that badly; melancholic one moment, pumping cyberpunck the next. It avoids the teenaged angst of later Personae games, while focusing on young adults

Ugh, that's when they tried to dumb Persona down for a broader audience, and did so in the most asinine way, along with the Kindergarten card matching game replacing demon negotiations. That game made me feel like a little kid with all of the hand-holding.

I just thought up a sketch, where a host of one of those YouTube shows where they take things apart, decides to see what's inside a talking Elmo doll. He gets to work, the camera solely on his face as bits of blood spatters his chin. A pile forms of tossed, bloody strips of red Elmo fur, meat and gristle. Finally, he

I see Grover's finally gotten his revenge.