
Next time you're in Chicago, head to the Weiner Circle. You'll like it.

Pretty much this. I live an hour from Chicago, and me and a bunch of friends drove out to Milwaukee for food and a punk show at a bar. and loved it. We all marveled at the cheaper beer prices, and that alone made us feel like we were in heaven. Milwaukee gets a thumbs up from me.

That's Mike, I think. He tends to get mean-spirited with the humor, and that honestly bugs me. It's one thing to make a goof on a bad movie, it's another when it curdles.

Sister Ebba: Hey guys! I got a great idea to avoid being raped. It's fool proof! We'll horribly disfigure ourselves. It's got to work.

Jesus, he was hansom in his youth. He's like a Cuban Harrison Ford.

Counterpoint: One has Winona Ryder, and I have a crush on her.

We also took our grunge and flannel shirts seriously.

Robin Williams hairy chest will do that.

It's a dumb movie, but Paul Reubens was kind of fun in it, at least.

I hated that one too.

I despised Empire Records the first time I saw it. It boiled me bloods.

Back in I think 5th or 6th grade, I wrote a short story about astronauts landing on a planet, and described in the goriest ways how an alien devoured them all. My teacher had me sit down with her, my therapist, and a few others to discuss my story. They stared at me with much concern on their faces, and asked if this

His hands tend to go in one direction.

Super lame.

No, by having only a man give birth, it shows what a total abomination it really is. It completely subverts the natural order. The alien's partly based on parasitic wasps, but it's so much more than just a bug. It's also based on the Crohn's disease O'Bannon suffered through, which for him felt like some monster lived

Yeah, versus hundreds of aliens. In the end, the aliens were reduced to cannon fodder.

Pretty much. I at first felt a little hopeful for this one, yet it's looking like a partial rehash of Alien. This not only disappoints me, but is a good reminder that Alien really isn't just Scott's. It's a product of a lot of the right people coming together at the right time. O'Bannon's bonkers ideas, Giger's

I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Aliens is a fun action movie, but a terrible Alien movie. The Alien's normalized: A woman gives birth to a chestburster instead of a man, having a queen that lays eggs and referring to them as bugs makes them less unknowable and easier to understand. Let's not forget the

I love that a guy known for fantasy novels, picks the most western sounding name in Stagecoach.

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