
Well, if it's anything like the taste we get in this trailer, I'm in!

You're nothing more than a passive aggressive attention grabber. Grow up.

"Dad says if I can count all of the Cheerios in this bag, I get to run another one of his dummy corporations."

I recall it's coming to video on demand either this week or next.

The Nadine stuff works as goofy camp. A lot of the second season works that way too, save for James who's a bore. Nadine launching a guy right into the air, only to then say, "Corkscrew!" is about the goofiest shit I've ever howled at. All of her stuff is played for silly laughs until the end, when everything curdles.

I'm pretty sure Lee Marvin would have made a pass at his mother and then promptly punched him a second time.

What, no traditional severed animal head? See, this is why they're letting you go: A lack of murderous effort.

I read this as, "The meth checks out."

"Nah, I'm not lost. Just on my way to the Ghostbusters shoot."

Quick, blame the victim. It always works!

Had you stated, "Cool headline for a domestic abuser," your sarcasm would have remained intact, bland and uninspired though, yet intact. By adding, "threatening," it makes the whole statement sound absurd, as it implies that the piece itself is threatening. Unless you were trying to imply that the word, "forced,"

Also a bizarre musical to boot!

No offence but you have a very narrow view of what a horror story can be.

There's a lot of great symbolism in that scene, with the milk symbolizing her motherhood bleeding out.

I don't think it's so much cynicism as adult tastes vs. those when a child. I used to love Something Wicked This Way Comes, yet when a reread it a few years ago, I found the prose annoying. What I enjoy now, is much more sparse and stark like viewing a black and white photo. Bradbury's prose really needs to be read

Actually, both movies came from brainstorming sessions O'Bannon and Carpenter had when still friends. They're also based on the same source material. Both deal with something found within/near a crashed ship, involve a crew member[s] becoming infected, and nasty surprises emerging from seemingly normal human beings. A

Black Christmas and The Shining are always great during winter.

I played Soma when it was released around last fall and loved it. The stealth and evading enemies isn't the best in this kind of game, but then it's really not the main point. The game throws you from one dire situation to an even worse one. Very much like going from the frying pan and straight into the fire. The

Funny thing about the afterlife is that only the Egyptian gods exist. Poor old Jack Chick's gonna have his heart weighed, be found unworthy, and be promptly devoured by Ammit.

Also known as Time Share Beard.