
You animal! You dunk them first to see if they are in fact a witch, then you burn them.

Didn't Winston Churchill say something along those lines too? I swear I saw something like that quote in a big book of quotes.

I think with his public persona, businesses and so on, he's going to be as guarded as possible to avoid any controversy or hurt his brand in any way, which leads to some pretty pat answers.

It ends in a lot of burning and crying!

Not liking the continued direction of this site.

I like how in that second photo, the woman near the top is clearly scratching her ass. Truly a festival of the arts and imagination.

The concept alone is awful enough.

I'm like, oh my god, you know?

"Slugworth, you want some lift? Taste the backside of this bottle!"

The awful writing, it's coming from inside the house!

Using, "Augs Lives Matter," in a multimillion dollar video game is both crass and too on the nose. I greatly dislike "torn from the news" style of writing, mainly because it's a really great way to date your material, but also because it's clearly an attempt to grab some attention from a very real event. There's

Eh, I just found it gross and kind of dumb. It didn't have the jack-in-the-box energy of the original, nor the humor of the later ones. But if you liked it, more power to you.

It stinks! Remember when we got stuff like Bro Force? Get your shit together, PSN.

You can call them Wachowski sisters, until they decide to revert back to men just to fuck with us more.

The irony is that irony is not happy. Not at all.

Which is how it should be! I have co-workers always trying to convince me to read some YA book, only for me to stop about a third way, never to trust their judgment again.

Have you ever thought of reading a book treated with radiation, lit afire, or written in poison ink?

I agree with you, and I kept thinking of Endless Ocean while playing. There's clearly a market for nature games and exploration, yet for the most part we get dull crafting/survival games instead. I was pretty excited about No Man's Sky, until I read reviews and found out it's a crafting/survival game. I just want to

Haven't found any yet, also I was kidding around.

But what kind of bullshit primordial ocean doesn't have trilobites?