
Abzu means pizza-pie!

VR's in it's talky pictures phase. Everyone's just happy with the new feature of movement. There's a few VR games that are pushing things a bit more, and I'll say I wish I had the cash to try some out. But sadly that's my main issue: It's too damn expensive.

Let's not instead. Hey, it's 1996 this week.

Considering how Winona doesn't have children of her own, I wonder if she's giving some parental, or even Aunty love with her time with Millie. It reminds me how I'd do just about anything for my niece.

Oh sweet lord, I need new glasses. I read that as, "The Ramones used to adopt adults as a way to make them legal heirs," and for a very split second, I tried to figure out whom would be Joey Ramone the Second.

Oh boy did she feel the Berne!

As an asthmatic, who once tore a hole inside his lungs when real tiny, you don't need to glimpse a monster in order to freak out. It's kind of like drowning. Not fun.

Also known as BQ.

Hey, what about Sid and Nancy? That one turned out great!

A more accurate portrait of the era:
"Hey, what did you think of the Downward Spiral tape?"
"Ugh, whiny Trent, I'll pass."

Seems petty and snarky to attack, honestly. I have a bunch of tapes and vinyl because I love how personal the work is for these small artists. No one brags about having an obscure synth band on tape, because most people don't care. This ain't hipster at all, this is border-line obsessive art. It's about a feeling and

We're a rock and roll country, brah.

They did, according to Sophia Greene. I can't find the quote, but she pretty much said he wasn't bad.

It was. Obviously so.

About that headset he wore, that bothered me too. Me and my friends didn't have anything like that until the late '80s, but that's only what? A few years difference? You could buy them from hunting catalogs but had a crummy range. Maybe about half a football field? So using one for long distances is a big no.


I honestly think this could work as a Netflix or Hulu style show, where the first season retells the major plot points of the game, with perhaps tweaks to keep it interesting, and then going off the rails in season two, when the alternate realities start to overlap. Max might have fixed the biggest damage to reality,

That's gonna be exciting. See a kid rummage though trashcans! Watch as she scoffs at her dad's porn collection. Marvel as she checks the date on a jug of milk! And get blown away when she discovers everyone forgot about her and left her to return home alone!!!


Lest us not forget, Lucas also donated a billion dollars to education. The man won't stop at ruining the lives of children.