
Ford during the trial: " Hemmingway survived a plane crash too, I suppose he also took a little bump from a door."

Nothing wrong with a differing opinion, so long as you can back it up.

I think it also stems from a mother's fear that their child will grow up and join the army. Nix the play-fighting and hopefully they won't become a soldier as an adult.

You know what it reminds me the most of? Mini-series from the '80s. We'd get these grand, epic tales in about a week, and then that's it. Exciting and fun, yet sadly too short.

How about they better renew it, or we storm Netflix with pitchforks and torches?

Shit, that was a long time ago. Thanks.

Spielberg's friend De Palma has. Carpenter started up around the same timeframe and has. It might be more about tone than anything. Spielberg might touch on horror, but it's not really his main goal. Jaws and Duel are more like thrillers than genuine horror. Maybe it's more about having similar experiences and

It's done earnestly. Too many shows nowadays would wink and sleep their way through a scene like that.

I'll try and find it, but it was from a while ago, and it was more suggesting than anything.

Forget awards, I just want her to get more work!

I'm fine with him, because you need the skeptic to ground things. Otherwise everything goes to whimsy. Think Dana Scully. The real problem is that there's not much time for character development. The cast is pretty big, and the episodes are paced tightly. It bugs me more that they never show his parents or family.

He's a very single-minded kind of character. He might not stand out as much as the others, but it'd feel weird without him in the group.

Not surprisingly, my mother loves her character, seeing as my mother ended up having to raise me and my siblings alone after the divorce. Aren't deadbeat dads great? Winona really nails the upset, worried mother. Funny that you'd mention Depp, considering they were together and it sounds like he was pretty abusive

Funnily enough, something very like the deer scene happens in the game Until Dawn, and the Duffers have stated that Silent Hill's an influence, so who knows what other games might be an influence too.

Magnets, how do they work?

I think it's also just natural to be on the defensive at that age. It felt like I was constantly under siege from peers and adults alike when a teen, so there were times when I'd rip into someone, say something very honest and cruel, just to get them to shut up. There's this power to get right at the throat of an

Exciting stuff in this episode, and the tipping point where I just started binge watching the damn episodes. I did not go to bed until 5AM. Curse you Stranger Things. This show just gets better and better. I started off being very on the fence with the clunky start, but damn did it pick up steam. Glad they didn't go

Eh, I wouldn't get too misty water color memories over that time period. Small children left on their own, and in packs, is seldom a good thing. I propose me and my friends trying to commit arson, blowing things up, trying to build a bazooka with fireworks, drinking and smoking, rolling boulders or shopping carts onto

That's something this show's really good at: Tension. I get an X-Files vibe from this show, regardless of al of the '80s references. Mounting dread, use of shadows and dark, monsters, and government conspiracies. I keep waiting for Spooky Mulder to show up.
