True Pud

Too late!!

I'm comin' back today.

You know what they say….Love is Blind.

Your mom's bunghole is very Weeds-y.

I am persnickety and damp.

Your comment just made it boner time in my jorts.

Awww. I missed you too. But, that's what you get for not putting out anymore!

Let's try something else:

I'm gonna give you the number for my chillaxation guy. Call him.

Let's test it out.

You know those 3D printers they have now? Yeah. They can.

You know those things are basically Scrapple, right?

Where are your trousers??


I want some taquitos.

Goddamn, Adrienne Shelly. Gorgeous and talented. What a shame.

Awwwww, I kind of remember our first encounter, @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus. I'd like to say I was the one who was right, but I also can't imagine that being the case. I should change my name to Submits2NinjaLurkersWhoAren'tReallyLurkers.

Your BUTT is a Tallahassee log ride!

It's true.

And I obliged.