True Pud

You just wrote Cronenburg's next film!

Jesus Christ. This is fucking awful. I always appreciated Buzz's thoughts, and dude could banter with the best.

If I had the army and navy behind me, I'd be a motherfucker too.


Thanks for the info. Once this godforsaken tundra thaws, we are so going up there. Bet that.

Well. I just…….don't know what to say.

When any of the De La Soul dudes die. Speaking of which:

I'm MC Polanski and I'm here to say
If there's grass on the field, then ball I'll play!

Joke's on you! This cantaloupe has fermented!!

More like…..Sid Ceases to Live! Am I correct??

I feel like I'm sitting on an atomic bomb waiting for it to go off!

Don't we live in the same state? Who is this butcher of which you speak? I've been cooking those Wegman's Wine and Cheese sausages for the past year our so. It's time to take things to the next level, even if it does mean driving to Central Jersey.

They should join forces and call themselves Dawes Me!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh. Allergies.

LeDan is a squirter now? What the fuck else have I missed?

You can probably suck at the organ…

I erroneously began posting on Stormfront.com thinking it was the Tolerability Forum. Next thing you know I'm being unironically racist somewhere in the hills of North Dakota, shooting an M-30 at some picture of Al Roker.

There's that stupid "Steak and BJ" day someone tried to make a thing. What's the female equivalent? Chicken Cordon Bleu and Cunnilingus day?

The password is: Splat.

Is that when you fuck a turducken?