Breaking Badly

Well of course, it's the same actor. :) Just like Bruce spence's character is the same in road warrior and thunderdome. That one always confused the hell out of me since it's not suppose to be the same character but it's the same actor playing the exact same type of character! I didn't actually realize it was suppose

Or TV shows, see last episode of Game of Thrones.

Archer, but it's just "Slater".

I had the titular line in Star Wars.

Actually another surprisingly logical one is Bill and Ted. I love the scene where they need Ted's dad's keys to the police station so tell themselves to remember to go back and steal them tomorrow and plant them somewhere before. On rewatches of the movie you notice Ted's dad wondering where his keys were earlier.

Well the point is a dog race wouldn't necessarily be as sensitive to the initial conditions as Powerball would be. I don't think people truly understand how chaotic the universe really is. All the quantum randomness over an entire day would make the Powerball results completely different if you reran a day from the

That's like one of the most rock solid logically sound time travel stories ever.

Actually that's an interesting one depending on the time travel "rules" of the movie. Realistically if you "reran" a day you'd still get different results from a Powerball drawing because of chaos in initial conditions and quantum randomness. A physicist once ran a calculation that the gravitational effect of an

Classic causality loop, dude. "I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?"

Actually an interesting twist would be if the time of the photo went back by like 1 minute every day, then you could display the results from the future from the *next* day, at least up to a point since the interval would be decreasing each time. Kind of reminds me of the pre taped call in show from Mr Show. :)

Omg so apparently it's not enough to just not discriminate against people in your normal day to day interactions, now you also have to want to have sex with them as well or you're a racist/transphobic/homophobic/fat shaming asshole? So I guess I'm homophobic since I don't want to have sex with guys? I guess I'm ageist

Anyone else used to like the show and now really don't give a crap about it? The last two seasons I don't think I managed to get through an episode without fast forwarding. The episode before last was really bad. It's like oh great, Joan is being sexually harassed again by yet another despicable jerk, yeah this is

Knowing SNL, I assume their version went on for at least 22 minutes.

I love how literally every single character that has ever appeared onscreen in a Star Wars film have voluminous backstories described in the endless sea of tie-in novels/comics. Thanks to wookiepeida you can now read all you ever wanted about Lobot or Dengar.

The should at least be clever about it. Call it T.I.T.S. and make up some sort of acronym to justify it.

LOL, yeah I was when I got around to watching the episode. I hadn't watched the episode when I made my initial comment. I assume the F-104 was probably a reference to the Chuck Yeager's flight in the Right Stuff . I actually went and looked up the first flight dates. F-4 was 1958 and F-104 was 1956, of course they

Yeah as an aviation buff, I'm always mildly irritated when people misidentify planes. :) Like the only bomber they know is the B-52 and assume it's the only bomber that has ever existed and flew in WW2.

I love how society had apparently regressed during the TOS days since the whole plot of Turnabout Intruder hinged on "Your world of starship captains doesn't admit women."

“not what a gentleman would do.” I am offended by that obviously sexist remark implying that only gentle*men* would not do that.