Breaking Badly

Bah, and the next thing you'll be telling me is somehow Haiti and the Dominican Republic share similar cultures, too.

And be sure to send it three times so they really get the message. :)

How does it make the other religions "false"? I love how just because followers of the Red God seem to perform real magic, people think it must be "true" or "good" god. Uh, the god could still be evil or just indifferent, and there could still be other gods that have power that could be good, evil, or indifferent or

Except for that one case of Robert Strong (at least in the books) having no head.

It's a little different in books because he's *headless* and most definitely dead as his skull was sent off to Dorne.

Well it's pretty clear they were setting up for a sequel with Dr Wu taking off with the stuff. I dunno, trained weaponized dinosaurs seems like a great story idea.

I always thought "Start Me Up" was such a weird choice. With lines like "she'll make a grown man cry" and "a dead man cum"

Well when you think about it the resolution of most movies come down to just two guys punching or sword fighting each other.

Yeah too bad there's not a son of Rhaegar Targaryen floating around anywhere (and no I don't mean the stupid fake one from the books )

He died on the way back to his home planet, and they never mention the Iron Islands again, that would be great.

That was back in Westeros when he specifically owed three deaths to the Red (i.e Fire) God, because Arya saved them from death by fire. The Many Faced god represents the gods of all the religions, with the "true" god being Death.

"What kind of god would really reward killing your own innocent young daughter? "

At least her name wasn't "Hana" Solo

Regarding the mixed race thing, genetics can be weird some times, it's just a random mixing of parent's DNA:

Yeah GRRM confirmed that basically "a wizard did it" as the explanation for the seasons and not an astronomical one.

Yeah the Martells were a notable omission, but as far as the Greyjoys, they are just a bunch of pillaging idiots that aren't worth a mention, and House Arryn just chills out in the Vale for the most part.

And don't forget: guy that …. always wore that do-rag/bandanna thing and Salon always runs some article about at least once a week.

Wow, two things I couldn't care less about all in one package. :) Entourage and wrasslin'.

And don't forgot a 70 year old man *made* the darn film.

I know, it's kind of ironic given that the movie was made by a 70-year old man.