Breaking Badly

Fun fact 3: And Jimmy Carter was history's greatest monster. Which I guess explains the attraction to Boyd thing.

Looking at Elmore Leonard's rules of writing it seems that GRRM is basically the anti Elmore Leonard.

Going to see the finale at the Alamo Drafthouse tonight. Woohoo!

LOL, "genetic shift". It's mostly just hair and clothing along with certain people's looks being associated with a particular era. There might also be a difference in aging as well, although that might just be a perception thing. Watching old TV shows everyone always looks older than they are to me.

So this was the mask Robert Durst had when they arrested him?

Personally I think there was some sort of "historical Jesus" (or Jesus's) but the actual details of his life are hopelessly muddled. Apparently there were quite a few "messiahs" roaming around during that time period ("Life of Brian" wasn't really too much off the mark there :)

After reading that last Sansa chapter (and after the slog of the last two books) I came to the realization I don't really give a crap about Winds of Winter. I'm perfectly fine with the show wrapping things up in its own way.

At least it's not a statue of history's greatest monster, Jimmy Carter.

Would you have said that if it looked like Tom Petty?

All this is made even more hilarious given the fact it's not entirely clear if there was actually even an historical Jesus.

Anything less would be a felony (literally).

Can't we all just get beyond thunderdome? Oh wait, I guess we can.

Well the job of Scientology spokesman probably has a lot of openings.

Aubrey Plaza, James Urbaniak, Parker Posey, so basically the director opened up the indie actors guide and called everyone on the first page?

It seems like Vasquez not just giving Ava a deal kind is what caused everything to go to hell.

Fan-favorite? I just assumed that was sarcastic, but the tone of the article doesn't seem to indicate that.

I beg to differ, he's *still* the wurst Durst.

Hey, Craig T Nelson didn't need you or the government's help when he was on food stamps and welfare, and he sure as hell doesn't need your damn help now.

Yes there really is nothing like "spending part of Austin in March every year" (sic) LOL

So how many movies has he made since he "retired"?