Breaking Badly

Geez, just wait until HBO has their 3 months free special when GoT and True Detective come back on, then cancel after the season is over. Wash, rinse, repeat. Alternatively, watch for their free preview weekends and binge watch the hell out of GoT, I did that one season too. All told, I've legally watched every season

So basically this means another damn Spiderman origin story movie in 5 years?

Well considering Jack Gleeson has retired from acting, I don't think that will be an issue for him. :)

Here, if you want to read this stuff all day. :)

You forgot Robin Williams. It seems to me it's easier for a comedian to do drama that vice versa.

"I haven't eaten since later this afternoon."
- Best line of dialog ever from a movie.

We're nerds? You were the one that put a C++ in the comments. ;)

I dunno, Chelsea Handler is looking pretty good there.

Uh C++ wouldn't have been in widespread use then.

Actually it's just a tad sooner than that, but right order of magnitude. More like another billion before the oceans boil off then another 5 to 6 billion after that to go red giant then turn into a white dwarf (the sun is not big enough to go supernova)

I agree completely, this is one of the few cases I can think of where the books really add nothing and work much better as films. I haven't even managed to bring myself to finish the last book.

You mixed up a letter, it's actually .pn which is the Pitcairn Islands of Munity on the Bounty fame.

Well I don't agree with most of what he said, but I'm totally behind "fuck the Pope".

I first read that on the chart as "mythical breasts"

Uh, my monthly mortgage payment (which includes property taxes, etc) for a 4 bedroom, 2400 sq ft home here in Austin, TX is around $2300 which I somehow manage to easily pay on my salary, so I fail to see how this is all that exorbitant for a retail location, including living areas, in New Jersey.

Or -1000000 (more sales) to 0

And just think how many more copies would have been sold if not for file sharing, i.e. the most evil thing a person can do.

GRRM has already said the reason for the differing lengths of the seasons are magic, i.e. a wizard did it.

I assume he means The International.

What is with all these one hit wonders? It seems like almost all of my favorite films fall in that category. May, Donnie Darko, Primer, Run Lola Run (although Perfume was OK) and probably some others I can't think of at the moment.