Breaking Badly

LOL, someone beat me to the Simpsons reference. :)

I love perusing the skeptics bible from time to time, http://skepticsannotatedbib… I mean really people, have you ever read that fucking thing? Technically you're not even allowed to go to the bathroom.

That's funny I had the exactly opposite take. I didn't like him that much to begin with, but liked him better after. However, I'm also against sunglasses and don't drink coffee.

Or the porn version.

Crop tops are in now? Great, that should work out well coupled with 80% obesity and muffin tops.

"there is really no sense at all in going on national television and speaking with authority on something you know nothing about." Haha, that describes every TV news pundit ever.

The most ridiculous thing about worrying about the black holes being created, even if the black didn't evaporate through Hawking radiation and have a ridiculously small capture cross section, was the fact that it was mostly assuredly be going several orders of magnitude faster than escape velocity.

Ha, I was thinking the exact same thing. Profit was awesome!

Haha, it's funny because some of those people that were famous then aren't so famous now and/or dead.

I assume the avclub will now replace the image they use on all Star Wars stories with this one?

Yeah, for Smithers to have done it, all of the Simpson DNA evidence would have to be ignored, which would "downright nutty".

Haha, I see someone else had that idea 20 minutes ago, too. :)

Yeah it's a pretty good theme song, but nothing beats Simon and Simon's theme, nothing.

You mean Zoroastrianism-ophobia? Since you know, this predates Islam,
or even Christianity for that matter, by like a thousand some odd

Bah, the right to keep and bear mutant powers in right there in the
Constitution. The Founding Fathers were mutants themselves with
prescient abilities that allowed them to anticipate every possible thing
that would happen in the future, everyone knows that.

Yeah this got me to thinking how awesome a World War Z anthology TV show would have been instead of this. Sigh.

OK so how about I donate an amount equal to the ticket price to a gay rights organization, can go see the movie now?

But, but, I'd have a pay a whole 25 cents more per pizza to insure the people that made it for me have basic level of health insurance! What am I, made out of quarters?

Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing. The "I want to fuck you like an animal" lyric would definitely take on a slightly different meaning there. :)