Breaking Badly

Um, that is a *little* different, presumably you didn't pay Alexander Skarsgard to vacation in his bed room while he's asleep.

Actually it's kind of funny you say that, according to the podcast, he had such a deep insight into the show something he said actually affected the writing of the final episodes. Gilligan said he'll reveal what changed when the episode airs.

I am  Ozymandias, king of the ants -  Percy BYSSHE Shelley.

Oh just put the lotion in the fucking basket already!

Nute Gunray was one of the jaw-droppingly rascist caricatures (#1 to appear chronologically, like the first scene and the instant my heart sank watching the prequels) if that narrows it down for you any.

Wait, in this case though, isn't the opposite of C, a C?

" Male homosexual acts had only been legal in the UK since 1967" I assume female homosexual acts have always been legal? Odd how things that turn hetrosexual men on have always been legal, isn't it?

Yes Johann

Cancer? Don't you mean (entirely different voice) GANGRENE?

How about *Khan*eesi?

Not to mention…

Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder!

I totally remember watching this as a kid, and it was very obvious what was going on because you could definitely tell the board was on a regular pattern.

People take the time to torrent stuff they could watch streaming on Netflix for a small monthly fee? Really? People's time is really that worthless to them? Hell I feel guilty even wasting the small of amount of my time even commenting on this.

Being a physicist at the time, I loved calculating how exactly baseball would work differently on the interior of a giant rotating cylinder. Coriolis force in full effect!

You're an awfully hard man to like, Hitler.

Come on Hitler, I'll buy you a lemonade.

Them boys from Oklahoma roll their joints all wrong, at least that's what I've heard.

OK, OK, fine they're just "trash" then, is that better? :)