
He was good in House but here he's so bland and terrible.

He was good in House but here he's so bland and terrible.

I have no excuse for loving this show, but it got legit good this season (and made excellent use of Piper Perabo's three facial expressions).

I have no excuse for loving this show, but it got legit good this season (and made excellent use of Piper Perabo's three facial expressions).

No one can be unhappy while wearing a poncho.

No one can be unhappy while wearing a poncho.

Commenters either on this board or on Tom and Lorenzo have said this is because any tweet mentioning her— positive or negative— gets counted, and that there's overlap with hashtags for The Vampire Diaries (main character is also an Elena).

Commenters either on this board or on Tom and Lorenzo have said this is because any tweet mentioning her— positive or negative— gets counted, and that there's overlap with hashtags for The Vampire Diaries (main character is also an Elena).

Possibly this is just my terrible taste in television talking, but this season has been consistently entertaining and I did not see that last twist coming at all.

Possibly this is just my terrible taste in television talking, but this season has been consistently entertaining and I did not see that last twist coming at all.

What was the Dead Poets Society joke?

What was the Dead Poets Society joke?

Agreed— especially when she pauses at one point to give him a Significant Look.
 I thought the whole underwater car scene was compellingly shot…but the fact that everyone was reacting to each other's facial expressions totally took me out of it; wouldn't they just be seeing blobs?

Definitely agree, especially since "having a beer at Harvelle's" for all eternity would probably be the most idyllic outcome for Bobby.

Pretty sure the TWOP grade had a lot to do with the overt homophobia in the Ghostfacers episode in particular.

@avclub-f21e255f89e0f258accbe4e984eef486:disqus OK, so this is definitely beyond what anyone with no connection to Stuy would care about but apparently the joke about the pool is actually a hold over from the old Stuy building— Hackers was filmed in the new building (I think before students actually started using the

I went to high school where Hackers was filmed and there was a running joke about the pool on the roof although I doubt most people realized they were quoting this movie.

I've heard the ensemble reading "World War Z" is supposed to be great.

And I'm still a virgin!

It's in that place where I put that thing that time!