
I think that moment in Forever with Chase alone in the morgue, doing the autopsy on the baby was one of the best character beats Chase was ever given.


But what would they call it?

I thought they were still touring sporadically.

He felt shame for doing wrong.

I feel absolutely the same way about VBL. I also love how so many of his songs can have such a completely different feel to them (not just the arrangement) when played with the full band versus RT solo.

I thought he pulled a Tiresius.

I'm making a lasagna…for one.

Oof, that's gonna be a long wait.

Oh, I totally agree— just wondering if this was an attempt to address it in some way that then went off the rails in its own right.

I wonder if any of the "girls are strong" babbling was a reaction to some of the criticism Moffat gets on his characterization of women.

It appears the Donnie Bradley account was created solely to post this comment. The part I don't get is why bother sticking that last insult in there? Assuming he's a flack somewhere legitimately trying to get people to listen to this garbage as part of his job (because otherwise why put the effort in?), I think there

Very true. I enjoy it nonetheless.

Considering their current stats for days without on-the-job fatalities…they probably already know they aren't so great at their jobs.

I'm totally all over it, except leaving the house would cause me to miss some of the inspired "It's a wonderful Lifetime" programming. And that would be the real crime.

Every kill begins with K(ay), indeed.

Even without the hokey extra CGI bits thrown in, that commercial is hilarious. "I'm right here! And I always will be…" dun dun dun!

Yes! In addition to all the other garbage, Rand's over-praise for acts that were essentially rape was so incredibly off-putting.

I don't get how Jai plans to take over the DPD since he seems to have literally no one on his side now that the dad's out of the picture. It's a stupid bone to pick, I know, especially since the rest of the plot/characterizations are so subtle and nuanced (ha), but all the completely pointless sniping and bitching