
But you left out how he sat in his Tullsta chair and later climbed into his Malm bed (in black wood).

Wicketty whack or just the regular kind?

I think solving this exact problem was why God created the internet.

True confession: my cat's named Pip, after Crichton's nickname for Chiana.

And that one scene where he gets "recruited."

Vitamin A overdose FTW!

Nothing hotter than getting off on reasonable doubt, except maybe family.

Points for including that Neko Case song, I guess. This episode was pretty dull.

So say we all.

It seems unlikely to me, too, that Slings & Arrows is going to come out on top of this. But one more plug for why it should get covered anyway— in addition to its lack of a huge following, it was probably too niche to get covered very extensively on pop culture sites (at least mainstream US ones I'm aware of), so

But only if he covers all of them.

Err, at the moment you kinda can (the voting form seems to reset itself).

Seconded— as mentioned elsewhere in the comments, it really doesn't find its footing until late in the first season (and then runs wild in the latter seasons).

Aww, but the season they cover Macbeth gets all the over-dramatic "Don't be afraid of MACBETHHHHH" line readings.

That's a good point. AV Club should totally do Farscape and Zach Handlen should field it.


I think Jessica Chastain is contractually obligated to play every female part in every movie coming out in the near future.

Depp narrated Richards' memoir (the audiobook version, because I'm illiterate). He gives good British. Also crazy.

Chiming in to also countersign. This movie is silly and great.

Agree with your first point— this episode was dumb. I just wish this show would set up some kind of interesting arc rather than rehashing all the old stuff (Annie and her sister fighting, Jai being a dick to everyone because he's got daddy issues, Joan's entire character being based on constantly telling people to