
The same thoughts were running through my head. Maybe it's because it's too nearly realistic, unlike, say, crashing a plane full of corpses, that the whole plot is preposterous. If you're impaled on something— which kind of approximates the scenario here since basically it's as if whatever stabbed the guy is still in

Saw him in March in London with the electric trio— they've adapted "For Shame of Doing Wrong" to bring out the drums on the opening riff, I kind of like it even if it loses a little of the melancholy of the solo versions.

Seriously, they could have taken out all the Lilith scenes and it would not have made a difference at all.

"Young…-ish sword"

Ha, yeah— well I guess the hospital's legal types have too much time on their hands, considering their doctors' approach to breaking bad news is to state things like 'There's no way to spin this, we killed your daughter.' Amazing.

Anyone else hate-watching this? The medical mistakes are pretty hilarious.

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus Google? Family albums? Hairdresser stalking? Pubic lice removal?

I thought he was a ginger?

Maybe if it starts raining sleeping bags, you'll get lucky.

I love that scene(…until I get distracted by how tiny his hands look.)

ITV, is that you on the phone?

They clean hospitals. For realsies.

Spoiler alert! Just kidding, no one watches this show.

RIP, Borders.

I thought you meant like The Peoples' Court. Which would have been funnier/sadder if it were true.

I thought you meant like The Peoples' Court. Which would have been funnier/sadder if it were true.

Is zombie Gertrude Stein ghostwriting now?

Is zombie Gertrude Stein ghostwriting now?

I like to think he's being dragged down by the albatross of his accent.

I like to think he's being dragged down by the albatross of his accent.