not clever enough by half

Respectfully, you don't seem to appreciate that, 4 years ago, almost half the voting public felt the exact same way you feel right now. You can brush that off because you disagree with them, but they still felt that way. And, look, They were wrong.

You know, 4 years ago, my business received a payment postmarked the day after the election. The lady included a note that said, "I think we said goodbye to America last night." It cracked me up that she was being so dramatic. I've been telling that story ever since, and it usually gets a big laugh.

Our business has a 95 year old customer, a lovely lady, who is a huge Cubs fan. Still goes to a few games a year (3ish hours away).

Has anyone heard the experience of the "Come Back" dedication at the Wrigley show back in 2013?

I tried to convince a band I was in that we should cover RVM.

I wanted to Rec your post more than once.

State of Love and Trust!

Pretty good.


Similar experience with Release. I lost my father when I was 10, and then one of my brothers when I was 19. That summer, my brother was in the hospital for about 2 months, and it was a really crazy time in my life. And that was when I fell in love with PJ.

You can stream PJ radio off a free app called "PJ Stat Tracker."

Talking to a friend 16 years ago after I saw them, and he said, "Is that the band where the singer sounds like a sheep?"

I've been to quite a few shows in The Midwest, and that Moline show was fantastic. The crowd up close was in every minute of it.

I remember really liking this when it first aired. I had no idea it recurred.

"Tiny Music…" was one of my go-to middle of the night road trip songs in the 2000-2006 era. In the dark, lonely night, STP provided beautiful company. They will always remained linked with the empty roads of Atlanta at 3 AM, the wide open plains of Minnesota and Nebraska, and even the gentle hills of Pennsylvania.

FWIW, the PJ Stat Tracker is a fun app. It's free, you plug in shows you've been to and it will tell you your song/album stats.

Yeah I discussed in some elsewhere in this thread, but the last time i saw them was 2014 and they did the entire No Code album. I hadn't seen them since 09 (2 nights in Chicago), so I really wasn't as excited as I used to be. After Who You Are I turned to my wife and said, "They are playing some pretty deep cuts

I had this conversation with a best friend some years ago. He couldn't understand why I loved PJ, especially considering they were nothing like the rest of my musical interests. He just couldn't see it at all.

I was playing No More for my wife the other day as we were discussing the treatment of vets…after the first chorus she said

Corduroy and Black from Live on Two Legs…amazing. That version of Black is beautiful to this day.