
So brilliant how Brody was close to redemption, but the last bit of evil lingering over made his daughter sad and compelled her new boyfriend to impress her, and an innocent woman ended up getting run over. Brody's family never really belonged mixing in that strata of power players, but his lying got them there, and

So brilliant how Brody was close to redemption, but the last bit of evil lingering over made his daughter sad and compelled her new boyfriend to impress her, and an innocent woman ended up getting run over. Brody's family never really belonged mixing in that strata of power players, but his lying got them there, and

Someone remind me—what did Brody end up doing with the bomb vest? How did he dispose of it? Did we see that scene and I'm just forgetting it?

Someone remind me—what did Brody end up doing with the bomb vest? How did he dispose of it? Did we see that scene and I'm just forgetting it?

Poor form leaving out Electric Guest's great "This Head I Hold" from this week's musical selections (it played throughout the long bar scene where O'Dowd hits on Marnie and Jessa). Clearly the best song in the episode.

Poor form leaving out Electric Guest's great "This Head I Hold" from this week's musical selections (it played throughout the long bar scene where O'Dowd hits on Marnie and Jessa). Clearly the best song in the episode.

It's hard, in retrospect, to believe that pimping out Joan wasn't the plot of every episode.

It's hard, in retrospect, to believe that pimping out Joan wasn't the plot of every episode.

This show's kind of run off the rails this year. Its lost touch with the fun group dynamic that made the show cool early on. We hardly ever see them in class anymore dealing with crazy teachers (and Chang hasn't been funny since he stopped being their Spanish teacher). This show really has become too up its own ass to

Yeah I agree with you about Carrie's acting—there was a great feature about her in the New Yorker that talked about this acting workshop she created with some friends, where they kind of developed their own way of approaching acting and improv in a very casual way, and you can see that in the show. It's very cool how

For me, Portlandia is best when it's at its most acerbic, and that was definitely the case with this episode. Two Girls Two Shirts and She's Making Jewelry Now were so, so spot on, and so mean-spirited against the kind of aestheticizing of life that well-off white people run towards to try to make life conform to

This show kind of sucks, but I have and probably will continue to watch every episode.

To me the most offensive thing about this episode was how the "incredible chemistry" that Vince and the blonde journalist had happened ENTIRELY off screen. We're just told that they suddenly get along perfectly and are completely in love, without seeing any evidence of it, other than her being impressed by how Vince

That stretch in the airport with Pamela standing in line not giving a shit about Louie, while Louie enacts the part of the dramatic airport romantic moment all by himself, had me laughing very hard. What a brilliant move to take one of the most cliched romantic comedy tropes, the airport scene (which typically comes

That is a very interesting theory. I could see that happening at the end of this season. In an interview, Bryan Cranston described how season 4 will end, in very vague terms. He said that the finale has one big climactic moment that people will go insane over, then it flashes to another scene that resolves a different

Anyone who spells Jesse as "Jessie" instantly loses any credibility when discussing this show.

One of the three or four worst ideas I've ever read on the Internet.

The check that Gus gave to Mercker was made out to "Don't Meth With Us." Hehehe.

We finally got a peek at Skyler's beefy bod tonight during the sex scene…and man are those some thick arms. Nothing less boner-inducing than wide arms on a woman. Eep.

Smoke Up
I loved how sincere and wide-eyed Jesse was when Mike told him he could smoke a cigarette in his car. It was like the ultimate sign of approval and acceptance written across Jesse's face. Great acting.