Smoke Up
I loved how sincere and wide-eyed Jesse was when Mike told him he could smoke a cigarette in his car. It was like the ultimate sign of approval and acceptance written across Jesse's face. Great acting.
Smoke Up
I loved how sincere and wide-eyed Jesse was when Mike told him he could smoke a cigarette in his car. It was like the ultimate sign of approval and acceptance written across Jesse's face. Great acting.
Yeah you're probably right, but I stand by my point that this Todd guy is a shitty writer who makes following TV less fun.
Awful Writer
The write-ups of these two beautiful episodes were an utter chore to read. It sounds like someone writing a homework assignment. Why are you bogging down in the dumb 'themes' of the show, and totally missing out on the nuances and humor that make it really stand out?
Hank Knows
In the hallway before the great scene where Hank and Walt go over the lab notebook, Hank says "That was some story" and refers to it as a "tale" also. He clearly knew it was a complete lie.
My main quibble with Season 4 so far has been that the episodes aren't very rewatchable. That has been one of the strengths of the show in previous seasons, but these first two episodes I don't think I'll ever want to watch again. They aren't dense enough, not enough happens, they're more functional…