
Or if there were survivors they were eventually forced to resort to cannibalism.

Scarecrow, I think I'm going to miss you most of all.

Valerie's ideas were more than her abilities could handle, but everyone should be so gracious in saying goodbye to the other contestants. Admitting she was wrong in judging some of her fellow castmembers and apologizing, that's something you rarely see on reality shows anymore, not without some passive-aggressive

They're like Justin Bieber, but there's four of them and they're male.

Trudy looked like cotton candy, with the bare legs and fluffy pink top.

Extra points got to Weiner for using the word 'orchidectomy'.

Roger's white lamp in his office is appropriately mushroom shaped.

Edgar Winter's Top Model Babies, coming next season to the CW!

Seriously. I mean, yeah Mikey V., you COULD make Kevin's final dish for lunch without thinking, but instead you put vanilla in the eggs. Douche. You don't even have a second facial expression other than 'smelling poo'.

I really liked the scene where Betty fails to buy off Sally with a doll. That was SO stupid of Betty, adding the card and pretending that the baby gave it to her - Sally prefers the truth, whereas Betty prefers lies and denial as the way to deal with unpleasantness. It probably would've been a better idea to get her a

I doubt Lois has the ability to drive a car, never mind a riding mower.

1963 would've been before personal injury lawsuits and expensive damages really had an impact on how safely products were made, so I wouldn't be surprised if the John Deere in the episode didn't have some kind of safety mechanism.

At least Toby Young and his canned one-liners have been absent from the show so far.

I'm thinking Mike I (am freakin' awesome) lost his eyebrows in an evening involving an alcoholic blackout and a lot of overly-tan dudes with backwards baseball hats. And he calls other men 'bro'.

"Knowing that one of the guests was vegan, I made an olive oil panna cotta, with a whipped salt emulsion and paired it with a freshly ground black pepper amuse bouche."

Ashley is Maggie Gyllenhaal as Paul Westerberg. And Pritti is Bizarro World TinTin.

Cake 'n Death?

They should've sent home Eve for screwing up a no-brainer dish like bacon doughnuts with a beer infused chocolate sauce. I think that was the first time a bacon dish ended up in the bottom group on CHEF.

In the coming this season montage, I think that Eli gets mad and tells the woman with Lymphoma to shut up about her cancer already. Sounds dickish to me.

After using seitan, Lobes would've been better off saying her vice was making delicious food inedible or making bad decisions, as shown by her tats and coffee cup holder earlobes.