
I'm also glad I don't have to look at the stupid Lobes girl. I can understand the appeal of tattooing and some piercing, but stretching out your earlobes? I'd love to hear the inane explanation behind that cosmetic decision. Why not do a 'Chopper' and cut your entire outer ear off instead?

It doesn't help that lions tend to sleep 3/4 of the day and hunt at night.

As much as I love footage of the big cats, watching this show disturbs me. I feel like this guy is a 'Grizzly Man' waiting to happen. Does he have any credentials apart from, uh, wrestling big cats? Didn't he work in a circus? It's great that he's not another manic dude yanking wild animals out of their natural

Thoughts, Mean Thoughts
In the Ford video, I went one worse than your friend, wanting to see Scott facing the wrong way throwing the water balloons. Lame, I know, but it's not like I high-fived him.

I had to check Michelangelo's Last Supper for this, but no, Toby was not in the Judas seat at the table.

I'll miss Rose too, her and her wonky teeth. I watched GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 today and there was an extreme close-up of Ginger Rogers singing "We're in the Money" (in pig latin!) and she had some WONKY teeth.

Maybe America isn't familiar enough with the effects MS has on the body to get that? I thought there were just so damn many Osmonds and Seacrest wasn't sure which one to react to?

Jennis Jorplin or….
I'm not sure what it says about me, but when Janis/Jenna took a big swig of tequila and picked up the cat, I thought it was a misreading of Janis Joplin ate pussy. Alf never came into my mind. I'm so old.

As for the '28' year-old Annie (my HDTV begs to differ) - "… you love to scat like Ella." Not so much Ella there and MUCH too much scat.

Also Paula had a very hit song out in the Eighties. She must have been singing from her liginical cartilage. Why oh why doesn't closed captioning work with this show? It really irr.. irractitates me! Mrrr!

Both Stefan and WhassamattaU Fabio are insufferable, but they both seem to be decent cooks. However, in the Quickfire challenge Stefan was going on about how smart he was (S-M-R-T), but then they showed his mangled SPAM can on the counter and he had to use some of Hosea's SPAM. How smart are you if you can't figure

And there's already so many homophones on the internets as it is, you don't have to stoop to their level, the Bob the.

He shook her hand and he liked it? He wrote a note and he mailed it?