
Cameron asked Joe's father if he knew Grace Hopper. And she got the naming rights, in honor of Ada Lovelace. So technically she brought up those names first. It was cool how she was fangirling on those ladies.

Also, they wouldn't quite yet be saying "cut to the chase."

YOU are not the one who's crazy…

Yes, and there is of course Morocco and Northern Africa, where people are more enlightened in this regard. Obviously the show is going for something different…

This ain't Turkey, my brother. It's the country from Team America World Police. But darn it if those palaces aren't something else!

Yeah, agree, that wasn't a surprise, but I like the actors, and I love Carrie Brownstein, so darnit, I'm gonna give this puppy a chance.

Well, he's dead on Fargo, and Key & Peele are off now, and this was the season finale - so I hope you're happy, youratbastard!

Better'n a stack of pancakes and a V8.

Plus, no one poisoned you and took your crown away - so you came out ahead.

Havin' a tough day? Go hang out with the Garbage Pail Kids. Their adorable hijinks will soon sort out your problems, and hey, you just might learn something.

Daddy, I don't like that man.

I think she was just protecting her prince. You know, the kinda guy who wouldn't put b.m. between the mattress and the boxspring.

I was so worried that Lou was dead, and that Gus, having seen Malvo, is just continuing delivering the mail. Perhaps even whistling a little tune to himself?

I'm Irish-Italian-Scots-German. Does that mean half of my genes are at war with the other half, except the Irish-Scots half is so drunk it doesn't even know?

This show is better than Turn. That said, I'm waiting for it to stop halting and finally catch fire.

Feel strongly about too many of their songs to say that definitively, but seeing this was just lovely.

Once they arrived at that file cabinet, you just knew that was Chekhov's tennis ball.

I thought that too - complete with the rubber boot streaks on the floor from all the struggling.

Yeah, but it's ironic for Molly, since the wrong Nygard brother went to jail because Bill wouldn't question the goshdarn universe.

That is why you have the Katzenjammer, ja? Yeah, when I'm drunk all the pictures taken of me are out of focus too.