
TOD is the odd man out in the Indy series; it's not just a prequel to RAIDERS, it's also doesn't follow the same plot formula: it doesn't have white militaristic villians, doesn't involve Indy encountering someone from his post or actively being recruited for a "mission"; it isn't a chase from country to country; and

ALIEN 3 seems to have been made with the explicit intention of just pissing on Jim Cameron and anybody who likes his movies.
  I mean, that probably wasn't the ONLY thing Fincher had in mind, but it sure as hell was high up on his list.

The ad campaign for SPEED 2 was pretty much built around that crash. I was sick of seeing clips of it even before the movie opened.
 I saw the trailer for it in front of THE LOST WORLD. When, at the climax, the ship carrying the T-Rex crashes into a dock,  some guy cried out "Great! Now I don't have to see SPEED 2!"

Well, the Quebec film THE DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE had a pair of years-later sequels (THE BARBARIAN INVASIONS and THE DARK AGES), although the sequels followed each other fairly closely.

Hell of a three-pack you bought there, Dr.Robuttnik -two cool cult films and a "geez, at least I know get that one character on SOUTH PARK".

Just making up for all the ass-kicking he did as Sharpe.

I point to my above comment about PORCO ROSSO.
  But it IS fascinating how difficult it is to dub a cartoon well; it should be easier than dubbing a live-action film, and yet it may actually be harder (possibly because of the tendency to "stunt- cast" in some cases).
  Ironically, one of my favorite cartoon voices of

Speaking of redubbed Miyazaki: the French dub of Porco Rosso (available on the Canadian DVD) features Jean Reno as Porco; Miyazaki himself recommends this version over the Japanese original (not just for Reno- who IS awesomely good here- but for the overall voicetrack, especially the cabaret songs)

Brainiac, on discovering "Batman" is really Superman: "This is literally the most improbable thing."

Not at all. Harley and Lex WERE saved, because they could be. If Bats could have brought in the Joker alive, he would have; circumstances prevented it.
 That said… well, he may be wearing black, but he ain't in mourning.

Denny O'Neil was once asked "who's richer, Bruce Wayne or Lex Luthor?", and his answer was ruthlessly logical: Of COURSE Lex is richer.. and not just a LITTLE bit, but many times over.
 Because Bruce is an ethical businessman who pays his workers fairly, contributes greatly to a wide range of charities… and his secret

She actively requested the role of Lois Lane after working on MASK OF THE PHANTASM. (Timm and co. were only too happy to give it to her).

The last time we see the Joker on JL, he's been put in a catatonic coma by Ace's mental powers.
  In EPILOGUE, we see Batman convincing Ace to UNDO everything she's done before she dies.
  THEORY: this is when the Joker finally came out of his coma…  and when he decided it was time to bring his game with Batman to an

As I recall, Groening DID once make a public comment about how he thought The Simpsons should maybe wrap it up, and had to backtrack on it pretty quick. I think he long ago discretely walked away from the program, just cashing his checks and keeping his mouth shut.

Be fair; FG DID come back from the dead.

As Chris Sims noted, no one's freaking out over Jimmy Olsen becoming "Jenny Olsen" because it's not like they're going to give her anything to do, anyway.

I'm actually predicting that 2013 will be The Summer Of Impotent Nerd Rage, where Hollywood aggressively pisses on the fanbase non-stop, confident that they can get away with it because, what the hell, those losers are going to pay to see these things anyway.
  Sorry, fanboys, but it's your own fault for buying the

Actually, there's a TOS episode where McCoy mentions something about how Kirk was "always chasing after that little blonde medical student back in the day" which SOME fans have retconned into being a reference to Carol Marcus.
  Although it really doesn't matter; Kirk was such a notorious skirt-chaser that the idea of

As I recall, THE CROW was a pretty unexpected thing (The gun WAS loaded with blanks, but a piece of metal had gotten into the barrel), whereas TZ was just sloppy and irresponsible behavior ("Hey! let's fly the helicopter CLOSER to  explosions when it chases the children!")

The only thing Spielberg did wrong was trust that Landis was capable of producing and directing a film without supervision.
 Considering that Landis was ALREADY an established producer and director, it was a pretty understandable judgement, even if it did turn out to be the wrong one.