Ed in HTown

Always loved the fire extinguisher bit.
I know he's not famous anymore but I've always loved Charles Grodin's appearances on Letterman. They pretend (I assume they're pretending but its pretty hard to tell) to hate each other and throw some mean spirited zingers at one another, but there is never a hint of a smile

Can I still use nizzle (ie What up my nizzle)? Cuz if I can't, it'll ruin my favorite joke.

Bridgette Neilsen's vagina is so big Stallone lost his career in there…
They definitly have been changed in order to appeal to Comedy Central's target demo. But each one has had its moments that made me laugh out loud, yes even Jeff Foxworthy's, don't tell nobody.

I don't get it…
So she got a nose job and botox so she could look more like Hilary Duff?

The Heartbreak Kid
Do the Bowie panties that Jerry Stiller was handling thoughout that movie have anything to do with this?

Too lazy to look it up…
But this is from the "A Velvet Glove Cast in Iron" (or something like that) era right? That story is actually pretty disturbing, but not purient in any way. It is a little strange that he would give it to just one student, unless the student had expressed an interst in Clowes' previously.

Double Indemnity
That flick pretty much sums up the day to day life of an insurance agent. The dames are crazy, I have a Edward G. Robinson type always breathing down my neck, and your next policy could be your last. It takes a special kind of idiot to do what I do.

Total bullshit
I can think of 5 duets right off hand that are way worse than 'Ebony and Ivory', and I'm sorry but none of the songs on 'Thriller' are the worst of anything.

I thought that was a pretty sly gag too. The show was bound to be a little disappointing though, Sienfeld + 30 Rock it sounds like somethng that came out of TV heaven. Still a pretty funny episode. Hopefully it'll be like the Office one gimmicky season premire followed by a solid back to basics episode.

derivative with an 'i'.

originality is ov-er-ra-ted, clap clap clap-clap-clap
Its funny to hear how people could say something is derevative of Mitch Hedberg when his schtick (as someone already pointed out) is clearly lifted from Steven Wright. The detached observational thing is actually all Bob Newhart, and there's probably some guy even

Virgil, how can you accuse him of acting like an asshole in the Punk'd bit?

Live shows
Their live shows are a sight to behold, everyone gets out of their seat and cuts a rug. So if this record means that they'll be touring that's good news.

The thing that bothers me is the lack of permanance all these new technologies have. If you go fully MP3 your gonna need on external hard drive, an MP3 player, devices to play the MP3 player in your car, any one of these things goes out (and they usually do after about 2 years) you have to

c- / B+
If you look at it as two seperate episodes I'd was really disliking the direction it went in the first half hour. The car wreck seemed a little too forced, all the characters seem to have become more cartoonish, and Carrel has gone off the deep end with his stupidity. Still funnier than most shows but not up

I think the more important distinction to make, is that if it were truley pandering to the right wing, wouldn't Jesus have been evocated somewhere in the smasmortion dialogue? The official line of the right wing is not 'no abortions cuz its too much freedom' its 'no abortions cuz Jesus said so'.

I notice the preview had at least two songs from the Kinks' 'Lola and Powerman vs. the Moneygoround'. Any other notable tracks used in the movie Scott? One of Anderson's greatest talents is pairing tracks with those wonderfully bittersweet moments.

I wish I had more hands, so I could give those titties 4 thumbs down!

This is funny cuz I just told a friend of mine recently that Fishbone and Primus around The Reality of my Surroudnings/ Sailing the Seas of Cheese era was one of my favorite concerts of all time, even though, I only like a handful of their songs. Their presence live back then was incredible.

A pimp named Slickback…
Granpa: Alright, Slipback…
No, A Pimp Named Slipback, its like A Tribe Called Quest, you say the whole thing.