Ed in HTown

If you wanna see polite behavior at a restaurant…
You need to check out Dim Sum on a Saturday afternoon in Chinatown. Now those people know how to comport themselves while eating. Its probably cause their so good at math.

A.C. Newman
Whenever he is mentioned, in reference to the New Pornos, they always reference Zumpano but I always thought his first band Superconductor was ridiculously under-rated. Mostly made up of Canadians I beleive. They only released two albums and an EP, but all of it is great.

Pretty interesting statement Alex…
considering the guy is a borderline anarchist and is barely known in the U.S., hell the name of his first band is 'Mano Negra' (The Black Hand). If you understood Spanish/ Portuguese you'd understand that its pretty radical protest music. So how that translates into being the

With the exception of Fred Willard this looks terrible…
I going to watch that clap of Kelsey waltzing off the end of the stage during that speech, now that's comedy.

Replacing conan ah hell nah!!
That is going to fail for all the reason's that Conan succeeded. The only skill a late night host has to have is being able to save a terrible joke in the opening monologue. Fallon will be there laughing like an idiot at his own jokes. I'll take Craig Kilborn over Fallon and Kilborn

I hope the summertime sticks around a little longer
Just so I can properly enjoy this album. Manu is the man.

Funniest sketch on SNL
When Steve Martin hosted they had a commercial between skits for a penis smoothing cream which was absolutely hilarious. But I always thought even as the 'straight man' he was overshadowed by a superior Phil Hartman (RIP).

keep Austin weird, worst slogan ever
That was a pretty good crack. I love visiting Austin, but the people there have this affected world view, that there is somehow diversity among a fairly homogenous population of white middle class hippies.

I was hoping that this is was going to be 'David Boring', which I think is Clowes' best work. Art School Confidential was pretty funny but I'd love to see Zwigoff bring Clowes' more pulpy-noir stories to the screen. I wonder if the Hernandez Bros have ever been approached to do a movie "Poison River" and "The

What he should of done…
He should have made a movie out of Capt. Picard's script idea from season one of Extra's. If word came down that it was being made I would be camping out for tickets to that.

Who is that tickling my feet?
I actually didn't watch much of the first season but it is the only show that I make time to watch every week. I can't wait for the season premiere with Jerry Seinfeld, that should be bonkers.

les waste
Doesn't the end of Supreme Clientele have a pretty blantant threat on Fiddy's life. I remember hearing it years ago before I knew who the guy was, and then realizing what they were talking about probably about a year ago. Its to Ghost's credit if he did have something to do with it. Hopefully this is the

Really love these guys
I can't indentify anything that they do particularly well but I just love the self titled album and Summer in Abandon. The featured song sounds pretty upbeat for them can't wait to check this out.

please help my daughter's not talented!!

Can I borrow a feeling?
Kirk Van Houten's foray into adult contempo, that opening sax line alone cracks me up.

Twenty Miles
Judah Bauer's collab with Othar Turner is also a very good listen. I've always found it strange that the blues thing is always what people primarily see in Spencers music. Its punk rock tempered with the blues, but to my ears the punk rock is what is in the forefront.

answering my own question
Holy shit that's the guy from 'Before Night Falls'. Talk about dissappearing into a role.

Air Cannon
That stuff in the preview with the air cannon looks incredible. Has Bardem been in other movies? Its seems like I kinda recognize the guy from somewhere; my nightmares maybe?

Is this just an excuse for Nancy Pelosi to meet TI?
I hope this somehow turns into one of those scenes in a movie where black folks show the snooty white folks how to loosen up, and end with the whole Senate getting on the floor and doing the "Walk it Out".

What's wrong with that…
…I once wrote a book that was almost as good as 'The Old Man and the Sea' that no one ever heard of and I like to take every opportunity to tell people about it. Does that make me the object of ridicule? I think not.