lemmy cawshun

Good thing. Guy sucked.

I was always into the Jesus version: Pray-tel

What part of "and now making over." don't you understand?

There's a Wolverine 2?

Can we get a Major version of In The Air Tonight by Sussudio?

Me too with Wagner.

Get regulated! Switch to Mountain Doo!

"no" (every lady everywhere)

This guy never stands up.

climate change

Next up, a Spuds Mackenzie-themed band influenced by a Max Headroom tribute band.

but regularly shaves his uni-brow

thanks, Honest Trailer

"I know these guys, some are friends of mine." The others I want dead.

Nu Nedal

and a soul patch

Those three moonlight in Dawes


This is just his side project. His main gig is being the "before" guy at Jared from Subway speaking engagements.

Repeats ad infinitum