lemmy cawshun

so she can Ivan Drago? I will break you!

who is this?

Big Mac attack!

of shite

plays a mean sitar

J.C.? Couldn't you have taken Rush instead (band and guy)?

of course she did. and it probably sux.

Not nearly as good as At The Roku

she will be sorely…wait, who?

celebrities? gary coleman, scott baio, Mr T, and they're gonna revive Tattoo from the Island

investing in genealogy instead

who you callin' a jerk? Why I oughta…

will only watch for the commercials

"find?" how about "locate?"

maximum overdriven

2 fux for Corey Feldman

*jams Huey Lewis, pours a forty*

still waiting for the pearl jam necklace ZZ Jam mashup

I want to rock and/or roll every night, and part of everyday

Why not just give it an F?