lemmy cawshun

Luna lyrics

I think you meant Doug Gillard's band.

Encore! Freebird! *flicks Bic*

No, that honor goes to the Steve Urkel Blues Explosion.

Clearly you have never reaped the Sweet rewards (pun intended) of a Stryper masterpiece.

4 of the 5 hands clasped guarding junk, but not duder on left. He must be the rebel.

Guilty, front and center. Full Flanders y'all!

grunge breakdown = creed

This is just a watered-down version of the Louis Skolnick-themed band.

Avatar, borderline is too much credit given.

Viva, make up your mind. Which is it?

He gottsa the Grand Slam. edit: didn't read the article first. my dog ate it.

there's a bomb threat at the airport. M&K's new album is shipping out.

like you never. pls

sweet, sweet commentary/criticism. they make the moldy peaches look like the beatles.

They got busted…wait for it…undercover

the one on that crime drama

"are you listening?" answer: fuck no

annoying shit? yes

take no prisoners. that were the orders.