Yeah, but how scary is a predator biting your knees next to a predator tearing your face off?
Yeah, but how scary is a predator biting your knees next to a predator tearing your face off?
Ive never met anyone that watches this show either, but I stay huddled in the safety of the 12 or so people that I pretend represent the greater populace.
I've seen the tits of two broke girls, but not at the same time. They had financial time restaints, you see…
It's been proven that dinosaurs are much more terrifying in creative liberty form than in scientifically accurate form. Just look at the raptors.
Hey, I fucked all three of those dudes.
The point of these displays is basically to show the rest of the world how FUCKING AWESOME North Korea is. Realistically, their little music and dance number is FUCKING AWESOME
Needs more unicycle riders dressed as native Americans masturbating to punk rock to symbolize the frivolity of materialistic western enemy.
Thank you.
The trick is to try to avoid any nonprofessional relationships with people over thirty five with kids, at least until you become one and your brain breaks as badly as theirs.
Is it out of hand to request a preposition? "The dog jumped Fergie the fence."
My wife and I haven't conceived anybody! Yay!
My curiosity would be too intense to resist that, I'm afraid.
There are rarely (if any) WBC protest events that aren't hugely counter protested by well meaning, creative, and sometimes hilarious people. Unfortunately, the WBC loves it. They love being argued with, they love being in the news, and if protesting them or making fun of them would have slowed them down, it would have…
A friend of mine has a fifteen year old kid. Trying to talk to him is weird.
I will come directly to you with all of my forthcoming ICP questions.
My bum is on the… damn… don't remember.
They played that in a communications class I had to take 3 or 4 years ago. It was played in the context of "Look, here's another interesting way to make money! Some people have the coolest jobs!"
I'd think most people on this site wouldn't have time to watch MTV, with all of the actually decent television/film/literary everything that people have their opinions about (not to mention, you know, work and all that.)