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And who is this "Bilbo" people keep mentioning?

For the holiday season…
That there is an RV.

I liked it but then other people liked it so I no longer like it.

Peter Hook played "Unknown Pleasures" last week in Philadelphia. I didn't see that either.

We're not just doing it for the money… we're doing it for shitloads of money!

Band meeting
I don't understand, we are all so good at Rock Band.

Nice 0.5sies.

Who needs an Oscar when you have an AV Club A?

Cowboys and Aliens remains my least favorite Kitchens of Distinction album.

The hard-core gay sex scene with Robin.

I would watch a musical version of Firefly if Wash returned as a singing zombie.

Don't you have a gerbil to eat?

And remember, an apartment is called a "flat", an elevator is called a "lift", and botulism is called "steak and kidney pie".

Die in a high-speed car crash in Paris surrounded by controversy.

I graduated college in 1995, so I was a bit removed. I still find it to be a great show though… it certainly reminded me of being a freshman.

The accuracy of Saruman's color in the Bakshi version is negated by the fact they decided to call him "Aruman" to avoid confusion with Sauron.

Why Amanda, my dear…
what big eyes you have.

I liked her interview with Space Ghost.

Let's not forget her brilliant portrayal as Freakshow's wife in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

Thanks Jerusalem. And thank you too, lolopinions. I was wondering why my mom hasn't seemed herself lately.