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I'm concerned.
On the Apple Trailers website, it says that Parallax is the villain. I don't know that comics that well, but isn't Hal Jordan Parallax gone mad with power? And isn't Hal Jordan the Green Lantern in this movie? Are they planning a big twist or are they just taking liberties?

The game
It looked like the Rangers were playing the Flyers at that game, which means the Rangers clearly lost that game.

Now make like a tree and get out of here.

For today's kids
A Vampire/Zombie (or werewolf) version would delight the masses.

Don't worry Milhouse, I don't know him as anything.

I think you mean "Murray".

The Doom Generation
I've always loved that soundtrack.

My next door neighbor was a Dessert Storm vet with PTSD and alcoholism. He was always in and out of rehab at a VA hospital. Whenever I talked to him it was clear he was a paranoid schizophrenic as well… small noises would make him jump, he often talked about how he cried 22 hours per day. One morning

I love cupcakes
like McAdams loves Gosling.

"This is Flash Gordon… I'm flying blind on a rocket-cycle."

It's the best, like Fester's Quest.


Something about Mega-Man!

Did you say something?
Tina Fey's chest is distracting me.

Kanye and George are both racists. Can we go about our lives now?

I though Ed Norton already starred in this… it came out around the same time at The Prestige.

Even better
I want to see a wacky re-imagining of "The Odd Couple" starring Ted and Tim Allen.

Lou Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed's heart…


I withdraw this comment on account of Boggle rules.