frankz is logged in

Failed 42nd-sies.

The musical interlude
That scene on the bus reminded me of the stoned, gay bus driver I had as a child.

I did notice that. It all makes sense now.

Hating BBT and HIMYM is so fun!

Pulp Fiction

I'd rather watch a C episode of 30 Rock than a B+ Office.

I've dated the QSDG's an MPDG's. They were both rollercoasters, the fun times were amazing, but the lows were just way too low. I ended up marrying the stable, intelligent, if occasionally boring, girl… great wife, great mom.

Is the QSDG the new MPDG?

I'll always pay for your dry cleaning when my shit gets in your shoe.

I don't think you really saw Year One. I think you are just using it as a firsties excuse.

I've got a message for the Action Man… I'm happy. I hope you're happy too.

Wow, I can't believe the head of the Guild wrote "Station to Station".

Her tits were unattractive!

I don't know where else to ask this.
So I suppose coverage of Smallville's final season isn't going to happen? In the season premier write-up it seemed as though it might.

Geiss Cubes
The negroid physique… oh never mind.

Good idea Montypark. I'm sure she'd recognize from these message boards if she saw you.

not soon enough… I'm sick of these damn banner ads.

Barney's brother
Wayne Brady's character on HIMYM is gay and black. Not a regular though, so sorry GLAADDD

Wasn't there a fuck-machete in "Se7en"? It was prominent in the lust murder.

I think you mean "Smallville".