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I want Michael Caine to tell me why Austin Powers 3 exists.

I think Kidder played an assistant to Reeve's Dr. Swann, but I could be mistaken.

Pete popped up a couple of years ago with stretchy super powers in an episode that doubled as a commercial for Stride gum.

Don't fuck with the MEAA.

Not the horror writer
"Maybe amnesty supporters should spend less time watching Comedy Central and more time considering all the real jobs that are out there that require hard labor and don't involve sitting behind a desk."

Pills and hotpants!

Chris Sparling's script
How much script can there be with a guy in a box for 90 minutes. If I were alive in a coffin I wouldn't be doing a whole lot of talking… air conservation and all.

Custer's Revenge for the Atari 2600 took some imagination, but people (not me, of course) still managed.

If I try to buy a copy of that cat poster in the girls' room will Sherwood Schwartz sue me?

Snyder looks a little cranky in that picture too.

I believe you, 7E. We're all on the same team here.

Yes, Jinnu. You are an asshole. But liking Army of Darkness has nothing to do with that.

I'd rather read an interview with Willie Ames.

"the latter is one of three Vaselines songs Nirvana covered"

I can't wait…
for the big wedding in the season 3 finale.

I thought it was Jane Lynch. She seems like the stab your girlfriend 23 time type.

True. I'm sure the damn vegetarian hippies don't want to hear about how farmers sit out with rifles picking off groundhogs so their crops don't get destroyed.

Nice marmot.

I too enjoy Art Brut. I also really liked Passover by the Black Angels, but I just couldn't get into their follow-up album.

I don't mean to imply that Star Wars is too good for him, or that he is too good for Star Wars. It was just two great tastes that taste weird together.