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He got those greenscreen skills from Star Wars.
Every time he was on screen during the prequels I could only think "what the fuck is Jimmy Smits doing in this movie". It was very odd.

They are foisting them on us because neither of them want to star in movies or record albums anymore so they make their kids do and watch the cash roll in.

I prefer McBride. Rhys Darby is awesome, but Murray is too much like Michael Scott. If the show wants to survive I think they need someone completely different, not just a Michael clone.

Different vowel (sometimes)
I want to get into Styx… where should I start?

Clearly not a firsties attempt folks. I forgot you can't use the word "first" in a post even when it is a direct quote from the article being discussed.

"First step"
I would think that having Laurence Fishburn for a father would already be a good first step for a young actress.

That'll teach me for reading reviews before commenting on them.

Something about the first one.

Summer Rental
Captain Ron
Hot Pusuit

Look at me, I'm on a boat.
Take a good hard look at the motherfucking boat.

Thanks for spoiling the original, Koski.

But it's in 3D… 3D!!!

LiLo strikes me as a cherry Twizzler kind of gal, not a licorice.

I think he stole it and I think the producers/judges knew he stole it. They gave him the win saying the pea puree was so good just to see how Ed would react and to create more tension, slanting the show more towards reality drama.

Isn't that Hermione's cat?

Your cancer cells have the power of AIDS.

On a semi-related note: It's a great day for sailing, if you're a dick.

You'll be given cushy jobs.

She smiles while meditating in India. Self discovery!

Conker's Bad Fur Day had some pretty good evil teddy bears.