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Thanks to that whole Hamlet thing, I was forced to watch Strange Brew in my senior year high school English class. Now I enjoy beer. Coincidence? I think not.

Back Door Pilot?
The question mark was emphasized.

I'm still telling myself that. It is just easier that way.

Oh no, now I've gone cross-eyed.

"Our Friends Electric" playing as Alistair was implanting wires under his skin. Nice.

He needs to make $20,000 in a night, but is willing to give away $10,000 to a waiter? No wonder his business is going under.

I imagine a bowl of dicks should be eaten like a bowl of cereal. In pajamas, on the couch in front of the television with cartoons on. And, of course, with milk dripping down your chin.

As for the Raj/alcohol tired joke, I think the writers realize it is old. That's why they built up the same old Raj drinking just to have nobody around to really care anymore.

How about that…
All this time I thought the saying was "bold-faced lie".

More like those who like Family Guy generally also like Conan. Not those who like Conan automatically like Family Guy.

Broken up?
I'm betting this wasn't a definitive break up.

Fox is happy they are doing okay with reruns of Family Guy. But I imagine if they got Conan, they wouldn't lose those Family Guy viewers. They would keep them and gain more viewers.

You're wearing the shirt of the band you are going to see? Don't be that guy.

And by "this" you mean a mediocre, formulaic movie from the Tyler Perry machine that will still make a ridiculous amount of money? That poor woman.

You see, white people dance/drive/eat/walk like this…

Mind if I call you Gus?

In a previous episode, Walter talked about a lab tech he had that died in an accident. In fact, he went to visit her mother. I was assuming Dr. Warren was her.

To this day, that is the best multi-player video game ever made.

I see you've played knifey-spoony before.

Very true. I don't want to eat it every day, but I love it every now and then.