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I'm sure all that inbreeding has left Alabamians rather brittle.


Matthew Sweet's talent may be up for debate, but he's pretty plump too.
(Personally, I like him. He's no Frank Black, but I like him.)

No More Heroes used a bulletin board for side jobs. What grade did that get?

Audio, no Video Club.

1973. I remember going to see Star Wars with my dad. It was all downhill from there.

I miss Randy.

Well, blow me dry.

I'd stop in Albuquerque.

He's still touring. I plan on seeing him in Philly this June.

I think another saving grace of that scenario was Raj being the only person laughing at Sheldon's jokes.

Poor Jen. I wonder when she'll get over Brad.

My childhood memory of TRON is much better than the actual movie. I try not to re-watch it too often, much like Krull.

Plus my wife and I have been having sex on a regular basis for 10 years and this is our first. I'm quite aware of how to prevent a pregnancy. This wasn't exactly a shocker. And we both adults with a house and good, steady jobs and no social life. We are actually in a pretty good position to have kids. There's

I've always been fat and ugly.

One of my favorites of '07? More like one of my favorites of EVER.

Too close to home
My wife and I had our (her) first ob/gyn appointment last night after discovering she is pregnant. We came home, ate dinner and watched this.

Kal-el's brother?

As a secure, straight man, I must agree with that statement.

I forget the exact circumstances and season, but he also showed up as a waiter in one episode.