Resist or Serve

^ Tagline for the new movie please

"There was this kid I grew up with; he was younger than me. Sorta looked up to me, you know. We did our first work together, worked our way out of the street. Things were good, we made the most of it. During the Old Republic, we ran Spice into Coruscant… made a fortune, your father, too. As much as anyone, I loved him

"Oh, Jabba. Jabba, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was a space abortion. A space abortion, Jabba. Just like our marriage is a space abortion. Something that's unholy and evil. I didn't want your son, Jabba! I wouldn't bring another one of you sons into this world! It was a space abortion, Jabba! It was a

You should check out "Longtime Companion" . . . which was made before "Philadelphia" and takes on AIDS in a more direct fashion. I can't speak to how mainstream the release was, but it got enough attention for one of the actors (Bruce Davison) to snag an Oscar Nomination for Best Supporting Actor. It's been awhile

The slapping back and forth between Jessica Alba and Wiig had me in hysterics.

I hope he's aware that he will still go to the same empty void of nonexistence as the rest of us when he dies.

Yeah so I guess her logic is "Don't hate the rapist, hate the decade the rapist did most of his raping in"?

"#11 made us collapse in SHOCK!"

"Guess what Jon Snow's hair is doing at this at a tennis match. UNBELIEVABLE."

For the hair.

Good news for all those Scalia/Thomas shippers out there!


The night is uncertain and full of maybes.

I'm so glad this documentary was made . . . for whatever reason this case seems to fall through the cracks more than others which given the shocking nature of what occurred is very upsetting. Then again, it could simply be that there are so many cases of these injustices that we just can't keep track of them all.

Alternate ending: On his deathbed Don's final words to Sally are "Do . . . the Dew".

Also the layout of the hotel makes no sense, so genocide of the Native Americans.

It's really just simple math . . . and noticing certain sweaters.

Yep. Kubrick faked the moon landing.

I really hope this show is just people running away from nothing. No zombies, just people who are really afraid of zombies.

I'm sure he does . . . but it doesn't make me wrong.