Resist or Serve

Jesus. Calm down

Just because the internet does something that includes Star Wars does not automatically mean it's doing a great job . . .

A lesser movie would've had his love for Edie be what causes his downfall, but Heat opts for something darker . . . it pulls the rug out from underneath the audience, many of whom were no doubt sympathizing with McCauley because of the "love story" up until that point.

When I first saw this movie I remeber enjoying it's action, but it was De Niro walking away from Amy Brenneman that sold me on it. I immediately re-watched it because it was so exciting to see a movie with the balls to execute such a cruel moment like that.


"Nietzsche is Dead Society"

Well finally we know the answer to the question, what does "Ridiculous 6", the movie "Gandhi" and the Ames Iowa Community Theatre Production of Miss Saigon have in common?

Hold up . . . I think Timothy Simons and I worked at the same shitty Summer Stock theatre in Wisconsin. Northern Lights Playhouse was the name (I think it's called something else now) but that description matches perfectly.


"Alex Cross 2: Sure, why not?"

"AND apparently this railroad is only for black people! Ladies and Gentleman, if that isn't reverse racism, I don't know what is!"

"Harriet Tubman was a hero, but does her Hollywood produced biopic encourage anti-White rhetoric?" - Fox ands Friends discussion topic

Something is definitely wrong when the general public are always surprised by the precious few who make it to adulthood with some semblance of stability. Let's hope that the industry tries to do something rather greet this news with a simple "How sad!" and just moves on (although past experience tells me that's

"Freedom can literally mean anything: How one little word lets you do whatever you want to whoever you want (and they may even thank you for it!)"

Also in there: "Their equality equals your oppression: How to make others, who've endured centuries of hatred, seem like the oppressors by just wanting to get married" and "What about WHITE lives?: How to turn outrage from non-white communities over systematic racism into a kafkaesque conversation about reverse-racism"

I think we are at Allegations Against Leonard Part 40 by this point

True. I assume it's a room full of different ridiculous wigs/heads a la "Return to Oz".

"Xenu, what happened to me?"

If at least one of the kids dies (Maybe the older brother?) I'd respect the hell out of them. It's too much to hope for, but at least they'd surprise us with something

Seems like the kind of place a lot of suicides would happen