Resist or Serve

He was looking for a lawyer who would accept a percentage of the book's profits from the small boost of sales the news of the lawsuit would trigger instead of an actual fee.

He wanted to subvert genre expectations?

I like how this lawsuit is coming now . . . six years after filming completed and three years after the movie was actually released.

Uh. Say it? (Is that right?)

People didn't have sex until the late 60s (which, of course, coincided with the invention of homosexuality). Before then it was just laying together until a baby happened . . . and people always felt appropriately ashamed about it afterwards!

Shall I take my cock out?


I can't do this again. It's too painful. I'm sorry.

So, what you're saying is that even though you are an almost-paralyzed, multiphobic personality who is in a constant state of panic, your wife did not leave you, you left her because she… liked Neil Diamond?

"Is 'Birth of a Nation' Encouraging Anti-White Rhetoric?" Will be resting comfortably across the bottom of Fox News' screen at some point.

I've been waiting for someone to finally dramatize this event (and using the title "Birth of a Nation" is just perfect). Also, regardless of how good the movie is, I think it's safe to say it's not a question of 'if' idiots will accuse it of reverse racism, but when?

Also, it's sadly underrated and rarely discussed . . . which is unfortunate because it's exactly the kind of film that inspires passionate discussion and analysis. Although, I get why a lot of teachers would be hesitant to show it in class.

If there's a "Top Ten Best Line Deliveries of All Time" list . . . boy does that need to be high on it.

And you thought the Red Wedding was a bloodbath . . .

It is interesting to consider how it would be read today. No doubt some dumb, hyperbolic thinkpieces would misconstrue the film as saying that all teachers indoctrinate children into fascism. Something like "Here's why 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie' isn't the movie about teaching we need right now" by some idiot at

Today in "Things unfunny people will use and think it makes them funny"

“to make a connection between the artists’ names and oats-related products.” - I'm only hearing this quote in the blue-haired lawyer's voice

Shut up! It's Daddy, you shithead! Where's my bourbon? Can't you fucking remember anything?

"Perhaps they need a good talking to, if you don't mind my saying so. Perhaps a bit more. My girls, sir, they didn't care for the Exotic Marigold Hotel at first. One of them actually stole a pack of matches, and tried to burn it down. But I "corrected" them sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty,

"Ready for my Close-up at the Tenth Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: The Sonny Kapoor Story"