Resist or Serve

Jurassic Park IV v. Jurassic World III: Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Dinosaurs

Jurassic World 3: Fallen Kingdom 2: Island of Lost Dinosaurs

Following this trend is the third one going to have three titles?

Plus what's one more divorce? It's not like it's treason or whatever . . .

There's a rumor going around that divorce papers have been signed just never filed. Since he won she's just riding this out for a few more years. I know it's just a rumor but it seems plausible.

Also, I think there's a good argument for all US citizens getting automatically registered to vote at the age of 18. You'd have to do the work to get "un-registered" or you could note vote if you so choose. It wouldn't fix apathy but I think a lot of people knowing that they are already in the system and simply have

^ This is the narrative that needs more attention. I'm somewhat pissed that Kaine only went after Trump in that VP debate . . . there's plenty of ammunition to use on Pence and if he ends up running the show (which he certainly will at some point because Trump will get bored quickly once he gets over the high of

Back in my day, Freedom cost a nickel. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY COUNTRY!!!!!!????????

For someone with 23 personalities that can come and go suddenly, he's a very well organized kidnapper.

That too . . . regardless, we're quite fucked.

In a few years we'll be getting "Management is not responsible for lost or stolen items or death from mass shooting" signs everywhere.

However you feel about the lawsuit against Cinemark, at the end of the day it's people who experienced a horrific trauma/lost someone very close to them and are looking for some kind of recourse/justice/vengeance. I can't even begin to fathom how I'd be dealing with something so devastating.

So . . . Hawaii's laid back attitude really is just a facade hiding their existential dread.

We'll move in pairs. We'll go step by step and cut off every bulkhead
and every vent until we have it cornered. And then we'll blow it the
fuck out into space! Is that acceptable to you?

You know Booker is towards the top of the list for VP candidates for Clinton . . . if they pick him, he could conceivably run for President in 2024 and probably do quite well.


Season four will be hailed as a nuanced look at inanimate objects that somehow still get overlooked . . . even in 2018.

Star Wars XXX: The Empire Strikes Bareback


I don't know, some of these "quips" seem a little forced . . . I'm still hopeful that this will work (at least it looks different that any other comic book movies we'll be getting in the next year), but cautiously so.