
I thought the movie was all about Beyonce because the one commercial I see of it (on UPN, at the gym) is all about how moved she was to play a mini animated deity. Then when I saw a poster for the movie I realized she was literally a speck on the image and it was all about the love story/slugs.

Scat autotune

@Dr Dastardly oh WOW "bro" what a "burn"

Not everyone feels comfortable enough in these situations though. Imagine an inexperienced 14 year old couple. I don't think a 14 year old (girl OR boy) would be mature enough to say "No don't do that."

If you're thinking of touching someone in a moment, and not sure how they'd react, it isn't so hard to say a brief "is this okay?" I can't believe we're in 2013 and this shit is still an issue

Papa Smurf has a beard! They're fucking mammals

Noo, don't watch the 8 minute video that summarizes the show. It really is something you should take your time, watch, and let it build. It's like an animated LOTR - its a lot of world building, you don't want to destroy the joy of watching that world build by watching a summary

I've posted this on Brave discussions before, but if you have time check out this great essay on Brave at the New Inquiry, definitely gives the film a deeper look than others were at the time, and gave me a really great appreciation/understanding for what (the original) director may have been going for: http://thenewin

I'd say the 2nd half of that movie was her feeling complete remorse and guilt for what she did. It wasn't Pixar's best movie, but people need to give it more credit for being a nuanced take on the relationship between mothers and daughters.

I think that's the only thing he has that we all would consider a success is Joanna Newsom

Someone needs to give Amy Sedaris a talk show

Nice - especially since John Slattery directed both episodes. They had similar tones, and beautiful endings.

You know why they call you Goon? Cause you're retarded, and you're ugly. And they call you Goon 'cause you're ugly and retarded. You'll always be Goon. Goon, Goon, Goon. And that's what I'm gonna call you for the rest of your life.

R+J was hella good. The soundtrack was awesome

I definitely thought, when they mentioned the concept years ago, that they would be spoofing those kinds of goofy apocalypse blockbuster movies, like how they spoofed zombie, and cop, films. Still, this will probably be good!

Ya'll believe in sex before marriage?

I said it somewhere else but, yeah JACK FM was the worst idea ever. It's put so many good people out of work

JACK FM was terrible! They tried to replace CBS FM (which is like the NJ/NYC area mainstay station) with it for a year or two, and the decision was so stupid, they brought back CBS and as much of the original crew as before. It stinks though because before they dropped CBS FM, they played some really interested oldies

Agreed - as someone who would typically have little sympathy for someone like Pete, the show/writing does a great job of showing you why we may really have the most sympathy for Pete of any character on the show. He's a product of his own time and upbringing, doing everything he thinks is supposed to typically uplift

I hope later Mad Men is just Don sitting on his couch (a la Archie Bunker in his chair) while Peggy tries desperately to get his approval for Abe