
i guess not. i think the general sound is okay. but maybe with a different singer. the lyrics make me cry they are just so cringe-worthy

Shape of You is probably the worst pop song I have ever heard. The lyrics, the rhythm, everything. Just a completely mediocre musician

wanted to pop in and show this season some love.

two pop into my head:

I think I'm one of the few who openly loved this show - the panel wasn't my favorite, but Larry was an amazing host and seemed like a natural. I wish he had inherited the Daily show versus Trevor, but we'll see what he does next - hopefully it'll be more successful. I'll miss his perspective

lol so because queer characters are existing its a social justice lecture? give me a break

I saw him here in NJ at the Count Basie in Red Bank… Monmouth County NJ is full of a LOT of republicans/conservative types and the place was a non-stop wave of people walking out. it was hysterical

thats a shame their first album rules

he wrote the movie

that instrument is a hang drum :) check out manu delago

just saw her last night in asbury park. amazing show. i already listened to puberty 2 on npr like 1000 times and its maybe my favorite this year thus far

I love this point so much - specifically the idea of wanting to hang out. I don't think most FF authors take themselves seriously - its just like casually hanging out, and exploring a world you really love a bit further. It has nothing to do with ownership but with wanting so badly to move through that world.

yup. I love all fanfiction, I don't even care if its poor grammar. let people be inspired and creative.

Is it weird that I kind of enjoy the hunt? I actually really love wading through the subpar stuff and sometimes I even love that stuff too. Maybe its the craziness/heart in them, but I admire them all for what they are. Although there will always be very obvious superior fanfics that are so good you hope the author

I used to love fanfiction and I recently got back into it - because I had huge nostalgia for a show I loved when I was 10 - Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers. Super random. Anyway I had to swim through a LOT of bad stuff but I found some incredible, incredible stuff that moved me so much I felt the need to write a

I said it in the PD interview but I'll say it here again - saw it last night and this review is SPOT ON. Its seriously my new all-time favorite Pixar film. In terms of story telling, concept, metaphors/allegories, characters, scenes, music.. I think the most similar, I can say, is the first half of Wall-E - it really

i had such a traumatic first experience with this film. i was about 11 and my mom took me into a Hollywood Video. Being absolutely amazed that they had ~omg anime VHS tapes~ i begged her to open an account and i picked up a few videos - including this movie which I saw and thought "they look like totoro/kiki/etc"

Would I lie to you, Synonymous2Anonymous???

We also went to the Q&A screening yesterday - glad you got to see it. Our theater fucked up royally and we missed half the credits and all the Q&A. At least we got a refund!

My boyfriend and I saw an advanced screening of this last night. It was beyond BRILLIANT. I think it may be the best Pixar movie, period. The whole time i watched it I kept thinking to myself that this is an adult film disguised as a Disney film. It is high concept and I think you have to be an adult to really